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Your monthly products ship free within the U.S., right to your door.

Exclusive member pricing on everything we make.

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How It Works

Pick Your Pack​

It's simple - Pick how many products you would like to receive each month. Get new products shipped free to your door every month.

Make It Yours

We make it easy for you to skip, change, and add more to your monthly pack in your customer portal. Trust us, you’ll want to add more!

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Follow us on instagram for an exclusive look inside your monthly pack. We’ll also treat you to some BTS you don’t want to miss!

Get Started

Every month we feature 2 new and/or favorite products. Choose how many you want in your pack and we’ll deliver your favorite products free to your door every month.

2 Products

Includes 2 Products

1 Product

Includes 1 Product

Making sure you love Priestess RX products is our highest priority. While we don’t accept returns due to the nature of our products, we will work with you to return or exchange when requested.